Back in Rocky

Jessica Back

Not just an artist,
but a creator who connects stories, places, and people

Embarking on My Journey
as a Creator from Childhood

Since childhood, I have been a dreamer with a vivid imagination. Among the many things that fascinated me, animation stood out the most. What made animation particularly special to me was its limitless potential for creativity and expression.

This passion eventually led me to my first job in the industry. I started working in a Japanese animation subcontracting studio, specializing in digital effects. My role involved adding digital enhancements to animations, where I learned to work with various digital tools and gained expertise in both 2D and 3D animation technologies.

However, over time, I realized that the industry in Korea was largely focused on subcontracting work rather than original creation. There were very few opportunities to produce original animations, making it difficult for me to pursue the kind of creative work I truly desired. I had taken my first steps into the field, but I soon recognized that if I wanted to create freely, I needed to find a different path.

Discovering New Inspiration
Through Travel

This realization led me to move to Canada, where I began traveling the world, absorbing inspiration from diverse cultures and landscapes. As I immersed myself in different experiences, I learned to express my creativity in new and unique ways.

As I continued my journey, I discovered something profound—there were people who truly connected with my work.This realization pushed me to embrace my identity as a creator even more.

A Creator Who Blends
Various Media and Techniques

I do not consider myself a traditional artist, nor am I formally trained in fine arts. Instead, I see myself as a creator—one who brings stories to life through a fusion of different media, digital techniques, and artistic approaches.

My work is not confined to a single medium; it incorporates traditional drawings, digital art, animation, and other creative techniques. I explore different ways to tell stories and express ideas, making use of every tool and platform available to me.

At some point, I came to realize that my work was resonating with others. The idea that my creations could inspire people and bring new perspectives into their daily lives became incredibly meaningful to me.

Through my art, I hope to spark imagination, evoke emotions, and add a touch of wonder to the everyday. If my work can inspire even one person to see the world differently, then that is the greatest reason for me to continue creating.

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